La capătul primei săptămâni de pregătire desfăşurată acasă, la complexul „Ilie Balaci” din Lunca Jiului, Universitatea Craiova s-a deplasat la Buftea pentru a susţine două meciuri de verificare, bilanţul fiind: un eşec, 1-2 cu Oţelul […] The post Costel Gâlcă e îngrijorat de forma arătată de unii jucătorii în amicale și face un anunț înainte de derby-ul cu Dinamo appeared first on Prosport.
Costel Gâlcă, a coach, is worried about the performance of some players in recent friendly matches and plans to make an announcement before the derby game against Dinamo.
Essentially it's saying the coach is unhappy with his team's recent performance and will likely make changes leading up to a big game.
Costel Gâlcă, a coach, is worried about the performance of some players in recent friendly matches and plans to make an announcement before the derby game against Dinamo. Essentially it's saying the coach is unhappy with his team's recent performance and will likely make changes leading up to a big game.